Physical therapy for core strengthening

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Luna’s physical therapists specialize in core strengthening

Luna’s physical therapists specialize in helping patients strengthen the core in order to improve posture and movement while preventing injury. As experts in proper exercise form, your PT can help you create healthy habits that will keep your core strong.

Best of all, with Luna, patients can receive physical therapy for core strengthening wherever it’s most convenient — no matter which gym you go to. Our physical therapists come to you — it’s physical therapy, delivered.


What is core strengthening?

Though many people exercise their core for aesthetic reasons, striving toward an enviable six-pack, the benefits of a strong core are more than skin deep. A strong, healthy core forms the base of many of our movements and even helps us maintain better posture when sitting or standing still.

Many injuries to the neck, spine, back, or even the limbs can only be fully addressed and healed with core strengthening; without a solid core, patients are at increased risk of re-injury and the healing process can’t truly begin.

Source: Kaiser Permanente

Why do people need core strengthening?

The core forms the foundation of proper posture and healthy motion. Strengthening the core muscles isn’t just about developing stronger abs — it’s about developing safe, effective, and efficient movement patterns to prevent injury and make everyday life more comfortable.

Consequently, many injuries and conditions that require physical therapy also require core strengthening. Whether you have scoliosis, a back injury, or simply poor posture, your physical therapist will almost certainly include some core strengthening exercises in your therapy regimen, as a stronger core helps support the entire body.

The most common reasons for core strengthening therapy include:

  • Neck, back, or spine injury
  • Poor posture
  • Spine condition
  • Weak core
Source: Body Pro Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for core strengthening

If your physical therapy regimen includes core strengthening exercises, you may find that they are familiar. That’s because they are frequently similar to the abdominal and back strengthening exercises commonly performed as part of a regular workout routine. Planks and “supermans,” for example, are common core strengthening exercises.

However, if you’re trying to strengthen your core in order to recover from an injury or counteract pain, it’s wise to work with a professional — you may find that one or more common core strengthening exercises can actually exacerbate your condition. A licensed physical therapist can help you develop a core strengthening plan that’s tailored to your condition and needs while ensuring that you maintain proper form and don’t further injure yourself.

Source: AlterG

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