Empowerment Pledge

Luna and its community – physical therapists, patients, employees, partners and suppliers – are committed to empowering each other to achieve the best lives and care possible.

Luna exists to empower the physical therapist community to support and care for their patients, while providing those care providers with the flexibility and earning potential to live their best lives.

Luna’s values represent this commitment and pledge:

Inclusivity and Community

The environment we create is one in which all people are treated equally and with professional respect. This is expected of all Luna physical therapists, patients, employees, partners, and suppliers and is enforced.


Physical therapists and patients have the right to feel safe when giving and receiving care. For example, if a physical therapist doesn’t check in or out on time, Luna staff will call to make sure they’re ok and take action, if needed. Patients have a feedback reporting mechanism for reporting poor care, which will be acted upon swiftly.


Luna is committed to supporting each individual physical therapist, patient, employee, partner, and supplier regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sex, gender, religion religious creed, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, military and veteran status, genetic information, medical condition or sexual orientation.

Luna is committed to providing a work environment and community free of sexual or any other form of unlawful harassment or discrimination. Luna has a no-tolerance policy and is committed to maintaining a respectful, courteous work environment in all settings that respects the dignity and worth of each community member. Inappropriate behavior and unlawful harassment are wholly inconsistent with this commitment.

Harassment or discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical conditions), gender (including gender identity and gender expression), religion (including religious dress and grooming practices), religious creed, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, physical or mental disability, military and veteran status, genetic information, medical condition (including cancer and genetic characteristics), sexual orientation, or any other protected class, characteristic, or consideration made unlawful under applicable federal, state, or local laws, is illegal and prohibited by company policy. Such conduct by or toward any physical therapist, patient, employee, partner, or supplier or anyone else who does business with Luna will not be tolerated.

Complaint Procedure

Employees or contract workers who feel that they have been harassed or discriminated against, or who witness any harassment or discrimination by a physical therapist, patient, employee, partner, or supplier or anyone else who does business with Luna, should immediately do the following:

  • If you feel comfortable enough to do so, tell the person engaging in the harassing and/or discriminating behavior that his or her actions are not welcome, and they must stop.
  • Report the incident verbally or in writing to your supervisor/manager, and/or another supervisor with whom you feel comfortable (including the CEO of Luna), or another executive in the company including Human Resources.
  • If the incident is committed by your supervisor/manager, report the incident verbally or in writing to another supervisor with whom you feel comfortable (including the CEO of Luna) or another executive in the company including Human Resources.
  • Report any additional incidents or retaliation that occur to your supervisor/manager, and/or another supervisor with whom you feel comfortable (including the CEO of Luna), or another executive in the company including Human Resources.

Any manager or supervisor who observes, or receives a report of, any form of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation for conduct protected by this policy, must promptly report the conduct to Human Resources so that an investigation can be conducted and, if appropriate, remedial action can be taken.

Any reported incident will be investigated by qualified personnel in a fair, impartial, timely, and thorough manner that provides all relevant parties with the opportunity to be heard and to present any information he or she thinks is relevant or important for consideration, and that allows the company to reach reasonable conclusions based on the information collected. In responding to and acting to address a complaint, the company will be as discreet as reasonably possible under the circumstances and will maintain confidentiality of the matter to the extent reasonably possible, subject to its obligation to conduct a full and fair investigation.

Appropriate action will be taken by Luna to stop and remedy any and all such conduct, including interim measures during a period of investigation. The investigation will be completed in a timely manner, after which the company will inform the complaining party of the conclusions reached concerning the complaint.

You may find more information and lodge complaints regarding harassment, discrimination, and retaliation by contacting the offices of the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing or the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The nearest offices of the DFEH and EEOC can be found at https://www.dfeh.ca.gov and https://www.eeoc.gov.

Retaliation Prohibited

Luna will not allow retaliation against anyone who makes a complaint under this policy. Employees and contract workers are protected by law from retaliation for opposing or reporting unlawful harassment or discrimination, or for otherwise participating in processes connected with an investigation, proceeding, or hearing conducted by Luna or a government agency with respect to such complaints. Luna will take disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of any employee who retaliates against another employee or contract worker for engaging in any of these protected activities. Contract workers will be subject to termination of their engagement with Luna for engaging in retaliation.

Violations of Policy

Any employee or contract worker who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of his or her employment or engagement. To the extent a physical therapist, patient, employee, partner, or supplier or other person with whom Luna does business engages in unlawful harassment or discrimination, the company will take appropriate corrective action to address that situation.